Is there any way I could make any money online legally and safely?

Question by whitechinaboy222: Is there any way I could make any money online legally and safely?
I have been looking for a job now for over a year and I can not get a damn thing I can find no place that’s hiring. so is there any legit way to make money online? all I need is just enough to get by until hopefully things get better. thanks for your time in reading this and answering.

Best answer:

Answer by Landlord
You can only obtain legitimate work from home positions from brick and mortar companies.

You want to send your resume out to companies hiring for positions you are qualified for, but include in your resume that you have a home office and you wish to work remotely. Include how you have your home office set up and what equipment you already have in order for you to perform your job.

These jobs are just going to advertised as jobs, they would not promote them as “work at home” because they would hear from too many unqualified people.

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