Does anyone knows what are really good website which really do work to make money online?

Question by Muhammad: Does anyone knows what are really good website which really do work to make money online?
Please tell me what are really good websites, which are use full to make money online, Please tell me the answer if you are the one who been working on that website and it really does work for free… thanks you so much.

Best answer:

Answer by Proud Indian
The websites claiming to be offering online jobs may require you to deposit certain amount with them, before they offer any data entry jobs.

Few websites will ask you to register with them for surveys and will not contact you, after registration, because they need your email address for their database to sell or to send you spamming advertisement emails.

The websites which will ask you to read emails for payment will not pay you after sometime. The websites which will ask you to post certain details in various forums will be the worst to take a lot of job from you and will not pay you because what you are gonig to post in forums will be deleted.

If someone says that he earned 1000s of Dollars or Rupees, do not believe him. A person who earns that much amount will not divulge you anything about that.

If you want to really earn money, then, do some marketing in your spare time of any product or services to earn money. I know a website which will offer you their concept of marketing web designing or web hosting services to which you will get 20% of the revenue you could generate. You can at least get one customer for them in a week, which will fetch you minimum Rs. 1000/- as your commission.

If you are interested, then contact them through their website :

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